MR DNA .. molecular Research

16S, 18s and ITS Sequencing Service.. any amplicon functional genes any size amplicon

Available with any primer combinations the investigator chooses.

  • MR DNA has all common 16s, ITS, 18s, coi, markers as well as a wide range of other taxonomic and functional gene markers
  • custom primers or primers we do not have .. no problem

We suggest speaking to MR DNA for any amplicon sequencing.. They make is so easy.

ITS2 rRNA Gene Sequencing Service

ITS2 rRNA gene sequencing, or ITS2 amplicon sequencing is performed to determine the relative abundance of taxa in a fungal community, and to compare between groups of interest.

DNA extraction and quality control

DNA is extracted from samples using the Qiagen PowerSoil DNA Kit (formerly MO BIO PowerSoil DNA Kit) manually for every sample to ensure that there are no errors. We tried all the robots and over-all they work, they definitely save a ton of time and money but for best results our scientists have chosen to do all DNA extractions manually.

DNA quantification and quality checks are done via Qubit, nanodrop and Agilent bioanalyzer as needed.

MR DNA is a small but efficient operation that takes care of our clients. We offer low prices. Certainly the large labs can often beat our prices but so many of our customers come back to us over and over both for the high quality service but also the data consistency.

You are always talking to the same person with MR DNA, by phone or email, you are taken care of immediately and with high priority.